Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2015 News Update

First, a quick news update. The new Congress began its work yesterday, which we sincerely hope will include some action on the sentencing relief measures that have been stalled for the past several months while the politicians concentrated more on getting reelected than in taking care of business. A few more executive clemencies have been granted, but hopefully there are many more to come.  Some two-level reductions have come through, but many filed pro se have been opposed by the DOJ and held up for the time being, so that bears watching.

            I was able to get a compassionate release granted last year, with several more pending, and have gotten sentence relief for several individuals via the two-level route.  In habeas news, I am involved in an evidentiary hearing coming up next month in Washington, D.C. that should be successful in getting a federal sentence reduced to time-served.  I have gotten some sentence relief for clients that I have worked with. I am in the process of drafting two separate lawsuits for wrongful death against the federal government for negligent medical treatment.  I am also researching possible legal action against the BOP for failure to properly implement its Compassionate Release policy in the manner mandated by Congress. Needless to say, 2015 should be an interesting year.

            Additionally, I have made myself available as a contractor to assist several pre judgment prisoners, who have not yet been sentenced, in an effort to mitigate their possible sentences.  In this role, I can often identify issues either overlooked or ignored by defense counsel, especially the “high-motivated” (not) public defenders or appointed, court-paid counsel.

            In any event, I welcome hearing your questions and your concerns, to make this experience a little more bearable, and perhaps, a bit shorter.  Keep in touch, and tell your friends.


Derek Gilna, 113 McHenry Rd, #173, B.G. IL 60089